

Great Science tutorials from Elk Island


McGraw-Hill Bio Animations

Armundo's Youtube Channel

Crash Course in Biology

Crash Course in Chemistry

Fuse School Chemistry

Amoeba Sisters

Teachers Pet

Bio 20 Fall 2018 - 

Google Classroom Class code: 4462jt

Bio 30

Biology 30 Google Classroom Class code: vshlcv

Coming in Jan 2019 (Diploma review dates TBA)

EIPS - To register call 780-467-7292 or go to www.eipscontinuinged.ca  https://eipscontinuinged.ca/courses/dpbio/class-24
Diplomax - http://diplomax.ca/20 hours 780-459-0631
RTD Learning - www.rockthediploma.com - 15 hours 780-619-3246

Chem 30  
Google Classroom Class code: jod0x4d

 Chem 30 Eips Academy Link
Nelson Chem Online  then enter the Student web center with the 
Username: nelsonchem_student and Password: nelsonchem_onlinelearning

EIPS - To register call 780-467-7292 or go to www.eipscontinuinged.ca
Diplomax - http://diplomax.ca/20 hours 780-459-0631
RTD Learning - www.rockthediploma.com - 15 hours 780-619-3246


 Bio 20 Year End Links


Cells, Biochemistry, Enzymes and Digestion (Chap 6)

 - Link to helpful Bio Animations   Cool Human Anatomy Parts Website  Digestion Videos  Armundos Digestion Vids  Fun Digestion App  Crash Course in Biology Macromolecules  Amoeba Sisters Marcomolecules  Amoeba Intro Body systems Crash Course Digestion Intro  Crash Course Digestion  Digestion Body Parts vid  What are Enzymes? Amoeba Sisters Enzymes   Bozeman Enzymes  Enzyme Cofactors and Inhibition  Macromolecules and Digestion Crash Course

Circulation and Immunity (Chap 8)

Links:  Khan academy videos Immune System overview Immunity Videos  Blood Type Video  Armundo's Happy Fun Bio TiME  Great Immunity Review  Crash Course Circulation/Respiration Crash Course Immunity

Respiration (Chap 7)

Links - Link to helpful Bio Animations  Crash Course Circulation/Respiration  Gas Exchange  Armundo's Happy Fun Bio TiME  Khan academy videos,   Crash Course REsp #1   Crash Course respiratory #2

Excretion (Chap 9)

Links Link to helpful Bio Animations  Dialysis Video 1  Dialysis Video 2  Dialysis Video 3  Crash Course in Biology Crash Course Kidney Ap 1 Crash Course Kidney Ap 2  Khan Academy Kidney Excretion Overview  Juicy Kidney Vids

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration (Chap 5)

Links - Link to helpful Bio Animations PhotoSynthesis and Cell Resp Overview  Crash course Plants   Amoeba Sisters Plants Crash Course Photosynthesis  Amoeba Sisters Photosynthesis Just the Dark Cycle  All in Photo review   Dark Cycle TedX   Cell Resp Intro Crash Course Cell Respiration Amoeba SIsters Cellular Respiration  Cell Resp Review  Good Cell Resp Review Khan academy video for Photosynthesis  Khan academy video for Cell Respiration

Ecology (Chap 1, 2, 3)

Links - Link to helpful Bio Animations  Crash Course General Ecology Playlist Crash Course Ecology  Crash Course Links in the chain  Crash Course Carbon and Hydrologic Cycles  Crash Course Nitrogen and Phosphorus cycle Fuse School Nitrogen Cycle Crash Course Pollution  Crash Course Conservation and Restoration Ecology Crash Course Predators  Crash Course Human Impacts Crash Course Climate Change Crash Course Invasive Species  Amoeba Sisters Biomagnification   Ecology Review

Evolution (Chap 4)

Links - Link to helpful Bio Animations  Crash Course Evolution  Crash Course Natural Selection  Crash Course Comparitive anatomy Crash Course Speciation Crash Course Human Evolution  Crash Course Evolutionary Epic Crash Course of Life on Earth (optional)  Khan Academy Evolution playlist  Crash Course History of Life 1  Teachers Pet Evidence for Evolution  History of Evolutionary Thought  Speciation Taxonomy  Lactose Evolution in Humans


Biology 30

Bio 30 Links  Full year

Nervous System

Links - Link to helpful Bio Animations   In-class videos   Nervous System Quizzes    Mouse Party  Armudo’s Neurology Youtube channel  Armundos Homeostasis  Crash Course Biology Nervous    Crash Course Nervous 1  Crash Course Nervous 2  Crash Course Nervous 3  Crash Course Peripheral  Crash Course Central NS  Crash Course Auto NS  Crash course Sympathetic NS  Crash Course Parasym NS

Senses System

Links - Link to helpful Bio Animations   In-class videos  Armando's Eye  Armando's Eye Disorders  Armando's Ear-(start at 1:29)  How we hear  Crash Course Hearing and Balance  Crash Course Taste and Smell  Crash Course Vision

Endocrine System

Links - Link to helpful Bio Animations  Inclass videos  Armundo's Endocrine Videos  Armundos Homeostasis  Crash Course in Endocrinology


Links - Link to helpful Bio Animations  Spermatogenesis  Armundo's Overview of Repro  Crash Course Reproduction #34 Gonads go Crash Course Female Parts 3  Crash Course Male parts 2 Crash course Pregnancy and Development Part 4 Crash Course Embryological Development   Embryo 1 Embryo 2  Disappearing Male (Envt'l Estrogens)  Repro Review

DNA/DNA technology Molecular Genetics

Links - Link to helpful Bio Animations   Cool DNA Video   TED What is DNA  TED DNA the book of you  Amoeba Sisters DNA Structure and Function Amoeba Sisters DNA vs RNA  Stated Clearly Protein synthesis Amoeba Sisters protein synthesis Amoeba Sisters Protein Synthesis (Updated)  Stated clearly What is a gene  Crash Course in Biology DNA  From DNA to Protein 3D   Crash Course Proteins Amoeba Sisters Mutations Crash Course Regulatory Genes  Gene Regulation Operon


Links - Link to helpful Bio Animations  In class videos  Second Set What Are Chromosomes (Learn Genetics) Crash Course Mitosis  Crash Course Meiosis  Amoeba Sisters Mitosis  Amoeba Sisters Chromosome Numbers  Amoeba Sisters Meiosis  Amoeba Sisters Cell cycle and Cancer  Non-disjunction disorders

Mendellian Genetics

Links - Link to helpful Bio Animations  Crash Course Mendel  Amoeba Sisters Monohybrid crosses Amoeba sisters Dihybrid Crosses Amoeba Sisters Sex linked traits Amoeba Sisters Multiple Alleles Amoeba Sisters Incomplete Dominance, Codominance, Polygenic Traits, and Epistasis!

Population Genetics

Links - KHAN academy videos Hardy Weinberg EQM Crash Course Population Genetics  Crash Course Population Ecology  Crash Course Community Ecology  Crash Course Ecological Succession  Crash Course Human Population Growth  Crash Course Conservation  Crash Course Speciation  Crash Course Conservation and Restoration Ecology

 Bio 30 Diploma exam:  

Coming in Jun 2016 (Diploma review dates TBA)

EIPS - To register call 780-467-7292 or go to www.eipscontinuinged.ca
Diplomax - www.primetimelearning.ca 20 hours 780-459-0631
RTD Learning - www.rockthediploma.com - 15 hours 780-619-3246


 Chem 30 Year end

Khan Academy on chem 20 review unit
Crash Course in Chemistry
Fuse School Chemistry
Bozeman Chem Vids
Chem 30 Eips Academy Link

Nelson Chem Online  then enter the Student web center with the 
Username: nelsonchem_student and Password: nelsonchem_onlinelearning


 Crash Course Organic Chem  Alkanes and Alkenes  Aromatics and Cyclic  Nomenclature  Polymers  Hydrocarbon Derivatives Crude Oil Fractions and Uses Fractional Distillation  Hydrocarbon Cracking  Carboxylic Acids and Esters Polymerization  Khan Academy Organic Chem


Unit Conversion and Sig Dig Review CC  Energy and Chemistry CC   Enthalpy Ep CC  Enthalpy Boze  Endo and Exo RXNS Bozeman  Calorimetry CC   Calorimetry Boze   Entropy CC  Bond Energy Boze (Chap 12) Hess' Law and Enthalpy Change Activation Energy and Rxns Boze (too much with calculation) Chap 12  Catalysts Boze (Chap 12) Collision Reaction Theory Part 1 Fuse   Collision Reaction Theory Part 2 Fuse


Crash Course REDOX 1
Fuse School REDOX 1
Crash Course Redox cells etc
Fuse School Electrolysis Molten compds
Purifying Copper Fuse
Fuse School Rust
Khan academy link to Electrochem
Bozeman Chem Vids


Crash Course Equilibrium
Fuse School Reversible Reactions
Crash Course EQM Calculations
Fuse School Dynamic Equilibrium
Fuse School LeChateliers Part 1
Fuse School LeChateliers Part 2
Fuse School Haber Process

Fuse School What makes something acidic
Crash Course Acid/Base Reactions
Crash Course pH and pOH
Khan academy - Acid Base Specific page